Progressing Spirit is a leading outlet for an intelligent, inclusive, and pioneering exploration of today’s theological, spiritual, and social advancements. Progressing Spirit is brought to you by
There’s an old saying that gets thrown around when tragedy strikes: “God has a plan.” I don’t know about you, but when I look at the history of the world and even the current political situation in the U.S., I don’t buy it. Maybe it’s well-meaning, maybe it’s just a knee-jerk response to pain, but let’s be honest—it’s a theological train wreck.
What sustains your faith during times such as these, with so much negativity and lack of compassion exhibited by so many?
Best selling authors, social leaders, and cutting edge innovators – our contributors bring diverse perspectives to the growing conversation around the idea of Progressive Christianity. Inspiring, insightful, and sometimes even challenging, these unique voices come from the pulpits, academies, and front lines around the world.