Eric Alexander serves as Editor-in-Chief of, and is a senior board member at


Eric has served as a pastor and chairman of the Wesley Foundation at the University of South Florida, and is the author of the Amazon Best-Selling children’s emotional health book Teaching Kids Life IS Good. He also offers spiritual counseling for those who are seeking guidance or companionship as they deconstruct & reconstruct their faith paradigm. Eric has spoken, pastored, and taught in a diverse spectrum of environments, including Christian, New Thought, Buddhist, and secular settings.


Eric holds a Master of Theology degree from Saint Leo University and studied negotiations at Harvard Law School.


Eric is also regarded for his social and spiritual interviews, which include a variety of spiritual authors such as Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox of the Creation Spirituality Movement and Rev. Frank Schaefer of Defrocked; popular bloggers such as Ben Corey of Formerly FundieHemant Mehta of The Friendly Atheist, and Ro Waseem of Quranalize It and the Huffington Post; and forward thinking university professors such as Paul Nemecek of Spring Arbor University and Dr. Trelawney Grenfell-Muir of Boston University.


Eric and Matthew for bio Capture            Eric and Deshna Capture

For questions or media inquires, contact: or 253-507-8657 .

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Popular articles by Eric Alexander:

7 “At Some Points” of Progressive Christianity

I’m a Gay Christian (sort of)

5 Beliefs I Continue to Hold About Jesus (free)

5 Beliefs I Continue to Hold About The Church (subscription required)

5 Beliefs I Continue to Hold About The Bible (subscription required)

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