Part XVII Matthew – The Story of Jesus from Shavuot to Rosh Hashanah

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on March, 27 2014

After a three-week hiatus to consider some pressing theological questions and political issues we return this week to our story of Matthew’s gospel. It was indeed a good …

Part XIV Matthew – The Sermon on the Mount: Sinai Revisited

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on February, 20 2014

Matthew is portraying Jesus as the New Moses who went to the top of a new mountain to deliver a new interpretation of the Torah. He is not a …

Part VIII Matthew: What is the Meaning of the Virgin Birth?

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on November, 21 2013

It is difficult for most Christians to imagine that the story of Jesus’ virgin birth was a late developing tradition in the Christian faith, yet it appears to have …

Part II Introducing The Fourth Gospel: Tales of a Jewish Mystic

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on June, 6 2013

When writing the opening chapter of my soon-to-be released book, The Fourth Gospel: Tales of a Jewish Mystic, I felt the need to issue a warning to …

Part I: The Fourth Gospel: Tales of a Jewish Mystic

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on May, 30 2013

The publication date is June 11, 2013. The books will actually be shipped to bookstores across the nation in the last week of May. The rights to publish this in Italian …
