Chief Justice Roy Moore, Alabama’s latest embarrassing public official, has recently lifted the Ten Commandments into a new prominence. As insensitive as Bull Connors’ fire hoses trained on …
When I was a young theological student, I was assigned the task of reading a book entitled “Ideas have Consequences.” I do not recall the author but the …
Is there something about Western religion itself that predisposes its adherents to environmental disaster? Do such texts as “Be fruitful and multiply and subdue the earth” arise out …
Subdue the earth! It is an enemy to be conquered not a home to be treasured! Life is an eternal battle for survival between the human creature and …
For most of Western history, our attention has been given primarily to the task of maintaining the growing human population. Only in relatively modern times, has our focus …
Christians have never been significantly committed to the preservation of our common environment. Ecological concerns are present in Church life, but they never quite make it to the …
Dear Friends:
Once a quarter while Bishop Spong is on vacation we have invited guest writers to bring their perspectives to this column. Today we welcome …
I am proud of my Church! That is a new feeling. There were days during the Lambeth Conference in 1998 when I thought I would never utter these words …
Dear Friends,
Instead of a question and answer feature this week I want to start this column with a preface. As I read your letters and …
In my column last week, I chronicled the sad and shameful saga of Canon Jeffrey John who was forced to withdraw from his appointment as the Bishop of …