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Want to know who we are?

We are the new publishers for the Bishop Spong weekly subscription essays- “A New Christianity for a New World.”  The Center for Progressive Christianity was started in the early 1990’s and was officially incorporated as a 501-3c Non-Profit organization in 1994. You might find it interesting to know that Bishop Spong participated in several of those early conversations with our founder, Jim Rowe Adams. Since that time Bishop Spong has been an advisor, a keynote speaker and generous supporter for TCPC. It was therefore a natural progression for us assume the responsibility of publishing what we believe is one of the most important voices for a new Christianity for a new world. Bishop Spong has been an inspiration for hundreds of thousands of people evolving in their faith and we are honored to be working with him.

Over that last sixteen years, TCPC has been providing resources for individuals and churches that are interested in a new Christianity in the form of articles, books, book reviews, speakers, liturgy and curriculum. We have published six books in partnership with two other publishers. For the last six years we have published a monthly newsletter featuring a variety of contemporary writers, introducing new books, and music. This past year we changed our name to progressivechristianity.org to better reflect our global mission and vision. We now have over 13,000 subscribers. You can check this out on our website: www.ProgressiveChristianity.org
