Confusion about the Holocaust confuses understanding  antisemitism

Column by Rev. Irene Monroe on March, 17 2022

Race is a social construct and not a biological fact. However, the deleterious effects of America’s dominant black/white racial paradigm excludes other racial groups whose skin color and phenotype complicate the racist model.

The Strangeness of Jesus, Equality, and Voting in the U.S.

Column by Rev. Dr. Mark Sandlin on May, 21 2020

It is difficult to read the teachings of Jesus and come away thinking that some people deserve to have more privileges than others. We are not only suppose to love our neighbors, but we are also suppose to love our enemies – equally.

The Charleston Murders: The Final Battle in the Civil War?

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on July, 16 2015

It was a brutal murder of nine people in an AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. The victims, including their pastor, who was also a member of the South …

A Meditation on the State of America on its 237th Birthday

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on July, 11 2013

The United States celebrated its 237th birthday this past week. It seems, therefore, a fitting time for some moments of national reflection. In today’s column I seek to …