Paul: Friend or Foe?

Column by Rev. Roger Wolsey on July, 1 2021

I think that that the apostle Paul has gotten an undeserved bum rap by many progressives and that it is good, right, and well for Christian pastors to preach from the letters of the apostle Paul.

Big Change

Column by Dr. Carl Krieg on May, 20 2021

In his Letters and Papers from Prison, Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote in 1945 that the Western world was on the precipice of a new era, an era without religion. God, as the “answer” to unsolvable questions, was continually being put out of a job as science continually extended the boundaries of human knowledge.

The Measure of a “Genuine” Progressive Christian

Column by Rev. David M. Felten on May, 6 2021

So, what’s the measure of a “genuine” progressive Christian? For some, it’s proficiency in some obscure spiritual discipline. For others, it’s engagement in the work of social justice. Whatever we are, the media seems to believe the 2020s may provide a leg-up for those who are advocates and practitioners of a post-modern, post-evangelical, post-liberal, post-Christian approach to Jesus following.

Science, Reductionism, and Faith

Column by Brian McLaren on April, 29 2021

Like many, I grew up in a two-tier universe. The lower natural tier was physical, temporal, and ever-changing. The higher supernatural tier was spiritual, eternal, and changeless. God, the Holy Spirit, and human souls or spirits were in the higher tier. Human bodies, all nonhuman creatures, and all matter and energy were in the lower tier.

America’s Greedy and America’s Gullible: Ezekiel Speaks

Column by Dr. Carl Krieg on February, 4 2021

From Ezekiel to Jesus to the voices of the gospels, the proclamation is clear: civilization will not, indeed cannot, survive if wealth and power, and therefore food and shelter, are in the possession of but a few. Equally so, democracy will not and cannot survive if the bullies are allowed free reign.

What Pulls At Your Heart

Column by Rev. Deshna Charron Shine on January, 28 2021

My church was my extended family. And in my years of searching, I have yet to find a church like it, although I am sure they are out there.  So, why did I feel like, at 29 years old, that I was done with Christianity?

Grateful & Communal Creatures: ZOOM & The Dynamic Reality Of Being Saved

Column by Kevin G. Thew Forrester, Ph.D. on December, 3 2020

When you gaze up into the night sky, perhaps from the sateen darkness of Glacier National Park, or the cozy vestibule of your backyard, what do you see? Pin-wheeling galaxies? Endless expanse of interstellar space? Familiar special neighbors such as Orion or Ursa Major?

Apocalypse Strong

Column by Toni Reynolds on July, 30 2020

In my own movement through Christianity I was petrified of the idea of the rapture. The ever-imposing threat of the Apocalypse. It seemed like every year produced mountains of evidence that the plagues had been unleashed, and the prophecies of Revelation were being fulfilled. With some distance from the center of that particular flavor of Christianity, I have noticed that the world is always ending.

Even in 2020, Gratitude is my Religion

Column by Rev. Fran Pratt on July, 2 2020

It seems to me that, now, in the fourth month of the pandemic, we need to reach down deep for spiritual, emotional, and contemplative resources. The best one I know is gratitude.

To Be and Not To Be:   Wrestling with the Christian “I Am” and the Buddhist “I Am Not”

Column by Joran Slane Oppelt on February, 20 2020

Modern scientists have discovered what the mystics have known to be true for centuries. Reality is an illusion. Atoms are primarily made of vast regions of empty space, objects are fundamentally non-objects but rather waves and shadow, and there is a continuous energetic exchange happening between you and those around you at all times.