Where do progressive faith leaders go from here?

Column by Rev. Irene Monroe on October, 12 2023

While many political operatives are trying to inch away from Trump, his everlasting white Evangelical base- churchgoers and voters- loves him, comprising approximately 60 percent of the Republican presidential primary electorate.

How Progressive Christianity Can Save the World

Column by Rev. Brandan Robertson on November, 21 2019

Christianity is inherently political. The faithful path taught and demonstrated by Jesus of Nazareth was arguably just as much a political vision for the future of the Jewish people as much as it was a path to spiritual salvation.

Why Separation of Church & State Matters More Than Ever

Column by Rev. David M. Felten on March, 7 2019

We’re in the middle a major identity crisis in our country – and a lot of it has to do with our collective failure to remember (or in some cases outright deny) that most of our founders were highly suspicious of religion. As you read this, theologically conservative Christians are escalating their efforts to revise history and take concerted action in consolidating their political power and reinforcing their prejudices with the force of law.