Diversion, Dictatorship and the Concentration of Wealth

Column by Dr. Carl Krieg on August, 4 2022

It has been shown that wealth actually changes the structure of a person’s brain, destroying a sense of empathy for others while at the same time creating a sense of entitlement.

Christ Heart: Discovery of Holy Mystery – Part 1

Column by Kevin G. Thew Forrester, Ph.D. on June, 23 2022

What is a heart alive with compassion and joy and spontaneity?  A heart not continually weighed down by drivenness, anger, and fear? A heart at rest?

It is Time for Compassionate Nuanced Conversations, Part 1

Column by Rev. Deshna Charron Shine on August, 26 2021

In reality, the world around us is an infinite rainbow of nuance, complexity, and brilliance! Unlike other animals and living creatures, people are as unique as there are infinite shades of colors in this world. More so, even. We come with these spirits full of experiences and lessons, we come with unique fingerprints, DNA, personalities, likes and dislikes, smells and textures, skin tones, sexualities, body types, talents, and ideas.

America’s Greedy and America’s Gullible: Ezekiel Speaks

Column by Dr. Carl Krieg on February, 4 2021

From Ezekiel to Jesus to the voices of the gospels, the proclamation is clear: civilization will not, indeed cannot, survive if wealth and power, and therefore food and shelter, are in the possession of but a few. Equally so, democracy will not and cannot survive if the bullies are allowed free reign.

Doubt, Faith, and Why Breaking Up (with Authoritarianism) is Hard to Do

Column by Brian McLaren on January, 14 2021


I grew up in a 6-day creation sector of Christianity. Evolution, we were taught, was a Satanic deception to make us lose our faith. It was a banana …

A Call to Listen, Lament, Learn & Love.

Column by Rev. Roger Wolsey on July, 23 2020

I write in the context of the twin global realities of Covid-19; and the increasing rejection of toxic masculinity, patriarchy, and white supremacy – including a growing rejection of religions which are perceived as promoting and maintaining those poisons.

Befriending an Intruder

Column by Rev. Lauren Van Ham on April, 23 2020

Since early March, a poem[i] by Kristin Flyntz has been circulating widely wherein she imagines what the Covid-19 virus might be saying.  More than once it says, “Just stop. Be still. Listen. Ask us what we might teach you about illness and healing, about what might be required so that all may be well. We will help you, if you listen.”

Rugged Individuality and the Hermeneutic of Love

Column by Rev. Dr. Mark Sandlin on August, 29 2019

It seems to me that people who have a well developed and healthy spirituality will resist the concept of  tribalism. While it is true that tribalism was once an evolutionary necessity for survival, I have to believe that in modern times we should recognize that it is actually quite ridiculous as it is so rooted rooted in the illusion that some people are more valuable than others.

Part XXVIII Matthew: The Parable of the Loaves and the Fish

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on September, 18 2014

Sukkoth is complete. There will be six to eight Sabbaths to engage the synagogue before the next celebration, the festival called Dedication, arrives. In Aramaic the word for “Dedication” …