Something happened! Lives were changed. God was redefined. Liturgies were reshaped. New holy days were born. Whatever Easter was, it constituted a transformative moment. It is easy to understand, …
We are told, but only in Luke’s gospel, that when Cleopas and his traveling companion returned from Emmaus to Jerusalem to share their experience of the risen Christ …
Today, I want to focus on the ambiguity found in the conflicting aspects of Luke’s two resurrection stories in more detail and in more depth. It will help …
Our study last week has helped to make it obvious, I hope, that Matthew borrowed …
Deconstruction is always easier to do than reconstruction, but it is not nearly so important. It is never enough to say who or what Christ is not, but we …
First, we asked who stood at the center of the Easter experience and Peter emerged from our study as the one in whom the meaning of resurrection …
When people have a life-changing experience, they tend to freeze in their minds forever where they were and even what they were doing when the …