Filling the Void with White Pseudo Christian Nationalism – Election 2024

Column by Dr. Carl Krieg on October, 3 2024

White, Christian, and nationalism are three words not to be taken lightly, three kairotic words that demand explanation and understanding. So here is our question: why does a movement describe itself as white, Christian, and nationalist?

Flipping the “He Gets Us” Script

Column by Rev. Jim Burklo on February, 23 2023

The people behind HeGetsUs don’t get him.  But that doesn’t prevent us from using their campaign to help folks get who Jesus really was – and making his compassionate personality the welcoming face of our progressive faith communities. 

Thanks, Presiding Bishop Curry

Column by Brian McLaren on August, 11 2022

In his speech, Bishop Curry twice emphasized the need to find a voice that is non-partisan (“this is not partisan,” “not a partisan voice”). We all know why he needed to say this.

A Time of Theological Déjà vu?

Column by Rev. Roger Wolsey on February, 10 2022

There are certain dynamics taking place today that may remind us of dynamics that took place early in the last century. I suggest that pondering such similarities is not only warranted – but needed.

The Power of Liminal Spaces In Changing Times

Column by Kaitlin Curtice on December, 5 2019

Many of us who grew up in fundamental spaces were taught to live in dualities: black and white, in and out, saved and unsaved. In those spaces, there isn’t liminality. There aren’t many safe spaces to ask really hard questions, to show anger toward injustice, or even to grieve when we need to grieve. We are taught to brush it off, smile, move on, trust God, and believe.

Review of: Science and Spiritual Practices by Rupert Sheldrake

Column by Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox on April, 18 2019

Science and Spirituality need each other. This has always been the case—from Aristotle (who concludes his classic work on Physics with positing an Unmoved Mover) to Aquinas (who fought the fundamentalists of his day about the value of bringing science, namely Aristotle, and the scientific method of his day, namely scholasticism, into the world of faith).

Marking the 100th Anniversary of Fundamentalism in America by Bullying Religious Minorities

Column by Rev. David M. Felten on May, 11 2017

Right after Easter in 2015, I arrived at church as a fellow staff member was going out the door saying, “I’m going to get a picture of one of the banners.” “What banners?!” I’d come in the back way to town and hadn’t seen that down the main street of Fountain Hills, eight churches had posted large identical banners overnight: “Progressive” Christianity: Fact or Fiction?”

Charting a New Reformation, Part XI –The Third Thesis: Original Sin – The Myth of the Fall

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on February, 25 2016

“The biblical story of the perfect and finished creation from which human beings have fallen into “original sin” is pre-Darwinian mythology and pre-Darwinian non-sense.”

If one were …