Getting Over the Grand Narrative

Column by Rev. Dr. Caleb J. Lines on January, 16 2025

I love a good story, and the Exodus story is one of the best in the Bible!  …What a story!  It’s filled with drama, violence, intrigue, unlikely heroes, and unexpected twists.  It’s fun to read, even though many of us know it well.

Give Us a King!

Column by Dr. Carl Krieg on January, 9 2025

Mythology is a way to tell the truth, and the Hebrew writings are a string of pearls, one myth after the other, one truth after the other, and the truths tell a grim story about who we are as human beings.

Such a Strange Way to Save The World

Column by Rev. Dr. Mark Sandlin on December, 19 2024

When it comes to “saving the world,” I am much more interested in the life and teachings of Jesus than I am in any divinely ordered sacrificial actions that humanity has overly burdened the stories with. Even in the stories themselves, we see signs of the importance of his life and teachings.

Now Is The Time To Be Prophets

Column by Rev. Brandan Robertson on December, 12 2024

Biblically, there’s no indication that prophets necessarily have supernatural powers. Occasionally, prophets hear the voice of God and communicate it to their people, but more often, prophets are simply those who perceive the actions of their communities and deduce the likely consequences.

Infinitely Intimate

Column by Kevin G. Thew Forrester, Ph.D. on July, 25 2024

In the life of the soul there is no substitute for direct knowledge. The spiritual journey unfolds in and through our direct personal experiences that is fueled by the soul’s longing. As human beings our longing both to know and to be known is infinite. A challenge for us is the discovery that even if we know ourselves or another directly, the longing remains.

Christians Caring for Creation

Column by Rev. Dr. Mark Sandlin on June, 13 2024

There is not much in this world that I would call a miracle, but the world itself definitely is. It’s existence and ability to support and sustain the life that it has is simply improbable. How dare humanity so go about to indifferently as we are destroying a miracle.

Honest To God

Column by Rev. Dr. Robin Meyers on May, 9 2024

When pastors retire after a lifetime of service to the church, they often preach a last sermon unfettered by concerns for continued employment.  It is the sermon “they always wanted to preach” but were afraid to, lest some big contributor take her money and leave the building.  Clergy are, by and large, not a particularly courageous lot.

Timeless Womb

Column by Kevin G. Thew Forrester, Ph.D. on April, 11 2024

Scholars have debated for decades whether Jesus referred to himself as “the son of God.” I agree with those who conclude no. Jesus, as Walter Wink demonstrates, most likely understood and spoke of himself in the tradition of the prophet Ezekiel, as “the son of man,” or “the human one”.

Spending Words

Column by Rev. Gretta Vosper on March, 28 2024

I doubt anyone who reads Progressing Spirit believes there is a supernatural god called God who hands out parcels of land to this people or that. Yet many continue to use the word “god” to name something they believe in, which is not a supernatural being who hands out parcels of land to this people or that.

Choosing the Kin-dom: Benefits of Relinquishment

Column by Rev. Lauren Van Ham on March, 14 2024

A dominant message, at least in Western media, is that we deserve better and we will get there.  For the profanely privileged or perpetually oppressed, modernity and capitalism peddle fixes for all, if we just vote right.