Christ Heart: Awakening As Holy Mystery – Part 3

Column by Kevin G. Thew Forrester, Ph.D. on September, 22 2022

Living with Holy Mystery is the spiritual schooling of the soul. The method of the schooling is the spiritual practices that teach us how to become embodiments of the Source: meditation; spiritual exploration; breath, body, and movement; and liturgy.

When Progressive Christianity Runs Wet

Column by Rev. Jim Burklo on July, 21 2022

Now, more than ever, is the time to express our faith forthrightly, publicly, and invitationally.

Jesus – Queer Theology Incarnate

Column by Rev. Dr. Mark Sandlin on June, 9 2022

In his book “Radical Love: An Introduction to Queer Theology”. The Rev. Dr. Patrick Cheng says, “God is the very manifestation of a love that is so extreme that it dissolves existing boundaries.” So, it seems to me, living a life that dismantles existing boundaries is the very definition of being in relationship with God.

“Move Over Genesis”

Column by Rev. David M. Felten on March, 31 2022

As if we don’t already have enough problems in this country, the last few years have seen us slipping closer and closer to becoming a “post-truth society.” Facts just don’t seem to matter anymore.

Intimacy with all of Life*

Column by Rev. Lauren Van Ham on February, 24 2022

There is so much humility, discipline, curiosity and vitality in what the Creator asks of us – anything but monotonous!  In the Abrahamic origin story, there are some similarities as it centers Creation first and begins in a garden. 

A Time of Theological Déjà vu?

Column by Rev. Roger Wolsey on February, 10 2022

There are certain dynamics taking place today that may remind us of dynamics that took place early in the last century. I suggest that pondering such similarities is not only warranted – but needed.

My G🌎 D, What Have We Done?

Column by Rev. Michael Dowd on January, 27 2022

My thesis is simply this: A comet actually is heading our way. We ourselves set it in motion millennia ago. But only recently have scientists, echoing longstanding indigenous warnings, charted its course and voiced the alarm. Its name is Anthropocentrism and these are the End Times because human-centeredness will prove to be nearly as devastating as the comet in the movie.

Liturgy: Corporate Practice of Presence

Column by Support - Progressing Spirit on January, 13 2022

When Christians gather for liturgy; when we assemble for saying prayers, singing songs, hearing sermons; when we come together for Eucharist, it is simply assumed …

God and Metaphors

Column by Brian McLaren on December, 16 2021

In my travels and speaking, people often ask me “what do we do with ______?” questions. The blank is most often filled in with a doctrinal issue like hell, creationism, original sin, inerrancy, atonement theory, and the like.