On Spending the Day with Amos, i.e. Professor James H. Cone

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on May, 22 2014

So much of Christianity is a delusion, built as it is around power images and institutional claims to possess either an infallible Pope or an inerrant Bible. The Christian …

A Political Q and A

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on January, 9 2014

From time to time I receive a letter which requires an answer that is too long for the question and answer format of this column, so I have to …

An Open Letter to Ross Douthat, New York Times Columnist

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on September, 27 2012

Dear Ross,

A few weeks ago in an op-ed piece of the Sunday New York Times, you began your regular column with these words, “In 1998, John Shelby Spong, …

On Being Honored by the Jesus Seminar

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on April, 12 2012

In the early spring of this year the Jesus Seminar paid me a special tribute at its meeting held in Salem, Oregon.  First, I was invited to give two …