What Am I Now?

Column by Brian McLaren on May, 16 2019

In my previous piece, I shared a bit about my past. This piece turns to the present. I’ve just begun work on two books, the second of which is tentatively entitled, Do I Stay Christian? As I sketch out the shape and trajectory of the book, I’m thinking more deeply about why I still identify as Christian and what I think Christian can and in fact must come to mean in the decades ahead.

Is an Interfaith Future a Possibility in Our World?

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on June, 21 2012

Recently I was part of an intensive two-day “think tank” experience on “The Future of Interfaith Cooperation,” which asked the question as to whether the religious violence that marks …

The Monolithic Conservatism of the American Heartland Is Not So Monolithic!

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on January, 5 2012

There are times when one’s perceptions are challenged and one’s stereotypical prejudices are shattered.  This happened to me in recent days when I fulfilled invitations to speak …