A Thirty-Day Lecture Tour of Europe

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on November, 28 2013

It was probably the most exciting and fulfilling book tour of my entire career. Over a period of thirty days, I journeyed through Europe delivering sixteen public lectures in …

Scandal in the Roman Catholic Church: The Charade Goes On!

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on July, 18 2013

The Roman Catholic Cardinal Archbishop of Sydney, Australia, is the Most Reverend George Pell. He is a tall, impressive-looking man, whose career in his church has followed the traditional …

Conflicting Emotion: Pride in the President, Shame at the Response of Many Church Leaders

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on May, 17 2012

When the President of the United States, announced his support for gay marriage, the political landscape began to roil and I was filled with two quite opposite sets of …

Why I Wrote “Re-Claiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World”

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on October, 27 2011

Several years ago, while in England, I was invited to participate on a two-hour television program hosted by Melvin Bragg, now Sir Melvin Bragg, on the UK’s ITV channel. …

Lecturing in the Church of Scotland

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on August, 18 2011

To come to Scotland is to come to that mysterious land of clans with their identifying tartans and clan warfare; to a nation that forced the English to build …

Biblical Ignorance in Public Life

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on January, 19 2011

One of the things I look for in my elected representatives in government is that they understand the issues on which they speak with some level of competence. When …
