In the growth in knowledge about the shape and size of the universe, God was dislodged from the realm we called heaven and in that process God was rendered …
The Bible is not the “word of God!” It never has been. No one who has ever read the Bible in its entirety could possibly defend that suggestion. This …
On October 31, 1517, so the story goes, a solitary monk named Martin Luther approached the great doors of All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg, Germany, on which he planned to post …
Before proceeding with this series, I want to return to my theme of last week and examine the concept of theism more closely. In so doing, I run the …
Defining the human experience that we call God is not just a modern activity, human beings have engaged in this task since the dawn of civilization. The factor driving …
Several weeks ago I had the opportunity to have lunch with the Rev. Dr. Loren B. Mead, known to many of you as the creator of the Alban Institute. …