The Tail That Keeps on Flopping

Column by Rev. David M. Felten on May, 16 2024

he schism the United Methodist Church has been enduring the last few years, culminating in this Spring’s General Conference in North Carolina, is also a direct result of unresolved Civil War era prejudices.

Timeless Womb

Column by Kevin G. Thew Forrester, Ph.D. on April, 11 2024

Scholars have debated for decades whether Jesus referred to himself as “the son of God.” I agree with those who conclude no. Jesus, as Walter Wink demonstrates, most likely understood and spoke of himself in the tradition of the prophet Ezekiel, as “the son of man,” or “the human one”.

Holy Week

Column by Dr. Carl Krieg on March, 21 2024

The chronology of the week is where the difficulty originates. Most Christians believe that first Jesus was crucified, and then he rose from the dead. The reality is that first came the resurrection and then the crucifixion.  This is crucial.  

Jesus in Eden

Column by Rev. Jim Burklo on September, 7 2023

The Bible is a mirror.  In it, we see the structure of our psyches.  We see the scaffolding of our spirituality.  What makes the Bible holy is not that it is the “word of God”, but rather that so many of its passages offer such breathtakingly vivid reflections of the journeys of our souls.

Down with Christian Nationalism

Column by Rev. Dr. Mark Sandlin on August, 3 2023

I’d even go as far as to say the modern version of Dominionism, that’s now called Christian Nationalism, is nothing like the teachings of the man who said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 

Why Call Ourselves Progressive?

Column by Rev. Dr. Caleb J. Lines on July, 6 2023

There’s been a lot of conversation recently about whether we still need to use the term “progressive” as a qualifier for Christian.  As a movement, we’ve been using the label for about 3 decades, and with so many cultural shifts, it’s only natural to raise the question of whether it still fits.

The Million Woman Walkout

Column by Rev. Dr. Robin Meyers on June, 29 2023

Just when you thought things could not get worse, the Southern Baptists have declared that not only can women not be pastors, or anyone in a “position of authority over men,” but that SBC churches already led by women should be purged from the denomination.

You can have PRIDE too!

Column by Rev. Deshna Charron Shine on June, 22 2023

Systemic racism and oppression of marginalized folk’s experience is ingrained in all of us and in every system. Even if every person became anti-racist and radically inclusive, our systems would still be a huge barrier to the liberation and equality of all.

East Illuminates West

Column by Support - Progressing Spirit on June, 8 2023

The East-West spiritual encounter has been profoundly formative for progressive Christianity.  Experiencing the meditative practices of the East has inspired us to explore the previously neglected contemplative tradition of our faith. 

The Divine Within

Column by Rev. Dr. Mark Sandlin on April, 27 2023

Namasté: “The Divine in me honors the Divine in you.” In my way of seeing it, namasté includes the understanding that we all are one.