Divine Mother Letting Go

Column by Rev. Deshna Charron Shine on May, 13 2021

I think about Mother Mary and her pride alongside her anguish as her son became more and more himself. A self that threatened the powers that be. A self that would hang for being who he was.  What must she have felt when he told her, I must go out into the world and share these teachings. I must share with the world this great love I have experienced. 

The Bible is Political

Column by Rev. Dr. Mark Sandlin on March, 4 2021

The Bible has a political agenda. Even with all the different writers who contributed to different books, there is a clear biblical bias against the powerful using their places of authority to step on those who are already suffering. That’s political.

America’s Greedy and America’s Gullible: Ezekiel Speaks

Column by Dr. Carl Krieg on February, 4 2021

From Ezekiel to Jesus to the voices of the gospels, the proclamation is clear: civilization will not, indeed cannot, survive if wealth and power, and therefore food and shelter, are in the possession of but a few. Equally so, democracy will not and cannot survive if the bullies are allowed free reign.

What Pulls At Your Heart

Column by Rev. Deshna Charron Shine on January, 28 2021

My church was my extended family. And in my years of searching, I have yet to find a church like it, although I am sure they are out there.  So, why did I feel like, at 29 years old, that I was done with Christianity?

Just Looking at Christmas

Column by Rev. Jim Burklo on December, 24 2020

Such is the looking at the figures in the crèche scene at the birth of Jesus. The crèche is a window into the eternal quality of the now, an icon of the divine point of view. It is the slack-jawed, timeless, aimless, free, worshipful Awe that is Love that is God. 

Getting Beyond the Usual: Giving Birth to Jesus in the 2020s

Column by Rev. Lauren Van Ham on December, 17 2020

There are 3 parts of Jesus’s birth story that we want to open here, like gifts.  There are many parts of this story that, once unwrapped, hold great truth and importance including dreams, angels and what was going on for Joseph. 

Grateful & Communal Creatures: ZOOM & The Dynamic Reality Of Being Saved

Column by Kevin G. Thew Forrester, Ph.D. on December, 3 2020

When you gaze up into the night sky, perhaps from the sateen darkness of Glacier National Park, or the cozy vestibule of your backyard, what do you see? Pin-wheeling galaxies? Endless expanse of interstellar space? Familiar special neighbors such as Orion or Ursa Major?

Ball of Confusion

Column by Rev. Roger Wolsey on November, 26 2020

“Man [Humankind] can’t become attached to higher aims and submit to a rule if he sees nothing above him to which he belongs. To free him of all social pressure is to abandon him to himself and demoralize him.”

Surrendering to the Will of Earth

Column by Jennifer Wilson on November, 12 2020

The origins of the word surrender come from the French roots for “to give back,” and “over.” And that is exactly what surrender is. It is not laying down our arms, it is not choosing peace over justice, it is not breathing deeply and meditating our way out of our pain. True surrender speaks to our relationship with our common mother, the Earth. It means to give back to her, over and over again, above and beyond what we think we are capable of giving. 

Eternal Totality: On a More Rational God

Column by Rev. Dr. Mark Sandlin on November, 5 2020

Religion prefers a definable God. By definition, one of the purposes of religion is to draw us closer to God. The way religion has typically been practiced, this implies some degree of “knowing” God. To know God we must be able to define God. The problem is, in the act of defining God, we are limiting God.