Gustavo Guttieriez, Liberation Theology and Creation Spirituality: An Appreciation

Column by Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox on November, 14 2024

In honor of Gustavo Guttieriez’s recent death, I found myself thumbing through some of his works in my home library and my eyes especially fell on his Conclusion to his fine study On Job: God-Talk and the Suffering of the Innocent.

Time to Change the Republican Party’s Nickname?

Column by Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox on August, 1 2024

The Republican Party, since the 1870s, has been nicknamed the GOP—the “Grand Old Party.”  This was to emphasize its role in preserving the Union during the Civil War.  I wonder if, in light of its current cult-like status, it ought to re-brand itself.  Maybe GOP should stand for the “Grotesque Old Party.”

The Aquinas Nobody (or Hardly Anybody) Knows

Column by Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox on April, 18 2024

It has been my privilege to absorb the teachings of Aquinas in my training as a Dominican and in particular with two notable scholars, Father Athanasius Weisheipl, OP (who went from the Dominican House of Studies in River Forest, Illinois to the Institute of Medieval Studies in Toronto) and the esteemed Aquinas scholar, theologian and historian, Father M. D. Chenu, OP. 

The Edge the Mystics Bring to Religion and Spirituality

Column by Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox on January, 4 2024


It is no secret that institutional religion in the West finds itself in decline.  There are as many people identifying as “Nones” …

From Nuns to Nones: The Future of Western Christianity

Column by Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox on June, 15 2023

The facts emerging about the future of organized religion and institutional Christianity in North America are quite sobering indeed.

M. D. Chenu’s Very Progressive Christianity

Column by Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox on March, 9 2023

Why is a Chenu Institute and a new book about him such good news for progressive Christians today?  Because he was a progressive and courageous theologian throughout his life and was unafraid to break the glass in so many areas of culture and religion including theological education. 

In Praise of Thanks

Column by Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox on November, 24 2022

Thanksgiving 2022.  There is much to be grateful for; and much to be concerned about. 

“Do you Create or do you Destroy?” Evil at Our Doors

Column by Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox on April, 28 2022

Not only does our species do great evil with our vast creativity and intelligence, we also do amazing positive things as well.  We are capable of the Awesome as well as the Awful.