In the early spring of this year the Jesus Seminar paid me a special tribute at its meeting held in Salem, Oregon. First, I was invited to give two …
Note: See the Announcements section for a clarification on the order of the entries in this series.
Bad …
I recently read Walter Isaacson’s provocative and fascinating biography of Steve Jobs, the founder of the Apple Corporation. He was innovative, iconoclastic, weird and a genius. He built …
The Florence Museum, known in Italy as the Musei Firenze, is best known for the massive marble statue of the youthful King David sculpted by Michelangelo. Housed in the …
Several years ago, while in England, I was invited to participate on a two-hour television program hosted by Melvin Bragg, now Sir Melvin Bragg, on the UK’s ITV channel. …
One of my favorite characters in the New Testament is an obscure man named Andrew. While he is supposed to be one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, there …
Our task and the agenda for the third day of our lecture tour of Germany was to go to the city of Marburg where the University of Marburg is …
Earlier this summer as part of a European lecture tour, Christine and I went to Germany for three public lectures in three cities and two press interviews. The invitation …
When people have a life-changing experience, they tend to freeze in their minds forever where they were and even what they were doing when the …
We begin our probe into the meaning of the Easter moment by asking who it was who stood in the center of the Easter experience. People do not always …