Part XVI Matthew – Did Jesus Teach Us to Pray the Lord’s Prayer?

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on March, 6 2014

If it is true, as I have suggested, that Jesus never preached the Sermon on the Mount then we immediately have to face other startling implications. That conclusion would …

Is an Interfaith Future a Possibility in Our World?

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on June, 21 2012

Recently I was part of an intensive two-day “think tank” experience on “The Future of Interfaith Cooperation,” which asked the question as to whether the religious violence that marks …

Harrisena Community Church in Lake George New York: A Story Worth Telling

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on December, 15 2011

This church was built in 1866 by John J. Harris to be used as an Episcopal summer chapel serving vacationers in the Lake George, New York area.  In 1869 it was …

Meditation on Turning 80 in London

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on August, 25 2011

I marked the 80th anniversary of my birth in Green’s Restaurant, Duke Street in London this summer.  What I thought was to be a quiet, romantic …
