ELIE WIESEL 1928-2016 R.I.P.

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on July, 21 2016

He changed the conscience of the entire world, yet he never held a public office. Even Nelson Mandela, perhaps the only other 20th century figure to move the world …

Part XLIII Matthew – The Passion Narrative: Discovering the Liturgical Outline

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on March, 12 2015

In Matthew’s story of the Passion of Jesus, based as it is on Mark’s original written passion narrative, we can discover by a close analysis the outline of a …

Part XL Matthew – The Passion Narrative Begins

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on February, 12 2015

It is a familiar story. It has been burned into the collective consciousness of the Christian world over the centuries. Many of its elements have long since left their …

“Think Different–Accept Uncertainty” Part XVI: The Story of the Crucifixion, Part One

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on September, 6 2012

Somewhere between a third and forty percent of each of the four gospels in the New Testament is concerned with the last week in the life of Jesus of …

Examining the Story of the Cross, Part VII: What Judas Iscariot Meant in the Eighth Ninth & Tenth Decades of Christian Development

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on April, 21 2011

Last week we began a biblical analysis of Judas Iscariot.  First, we noted that Paul, who wrote and died before any gospel had been written, was totally unaware of …

Examining the Story of the Cross, Part V: Barabbas – Another Interpretive Figure

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on April, 7 2011

In Mark’s original story of the Passion of Jesus, he introduces for the first time in any written Christian record the figure of Barabbas.  In this story we …

Examining the Story of the Cross, Part I: Analyzing the Details of the Crucifixion

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on March, 3 2011

In a few weeks the Christian world will enter the season of Lent that culminates with Holy Week and the liturgical reading of the Passion narrative of Jesus’ crucifixion.  …