For Such A Time As This

Column by Rev. Brandan Robertson on September, 5 2024

We all know the damage the Religious Right has done to the reputation of Christianity around the world, and now it is our time to reclaim the moral power of our Christian tradition, using our faith to inspire and motivate the millions of people of faith across the country who are longing for a message of hope, a vision for a better tomorrow, and a way to connect that vision to the faith that forms the foundations of their lives.

Progressive Christian Visibility Day

Column by Rev. Jim Burklo on April, 25 2024

That great defender of the faith, Don Trump, responding in faux outrage to the fact that Trans Visibility Day happened to coincide with Easter this year, declared that Election Day 2024 should be “Christian Visibility Day.” As if Christians have a visibility problem in America today.

Evangelicals Support of Trump Renders Christianity Unrecognizable

Column by Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Frantz on April, 4 2024

Who is Donald Trump?  As our nation prepares for another contentious presidential election seven months from now, the cult and menace of Donald Trump continue to loom large on the horizon.  It would be hard to imagine a more dishonest, corrupt, and unfit candidate for President of the United States. 

Talking With One Another

Column by Dr. Carl Krieg on December, 21 2023

The church must create places for dialog and it must do so before it is too late. This winter and next spring the various churches must organize discussions about who we are as the body politic and how we want to live.

The “G” word and the “F” Word in High Places: Signs of Our Times

Column by Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox on September, 21 2023

Along with climate change and the move from religion to spirituality, another sign of our times is the rise of the G word and the F word alive and well in high places.  I am speaking of course of Greed and Fascism.

Yes, The 10 Commandments ARE Un-American

Column by Rev. David M. Felten on July, 20 2023

Hooray! Yet another Christian Nationalist effort to strangle American values has gone out with a whimper. This time, it was a Texas Senate Bill that, if passed, would have required the 10 Commandments to be displayed prominently in every classroom in the state.

The Lurking Evil of Christian Nationalism

Column by Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Frantz on May, 25 2023

Christian nationalists – who are overwhelmingly white – think they are privileged and that their privileged status comes from God.  Historically, they see the United States as the new Israel, a nation designated by God as a shining light on a hill to the rest of the world.  

Blood and Bananas

Column by Dr. Carl Krieg on May, 11 2023

We live in a world defined by the cheapness of human life, indeed, all life. Migrants and refugees are treated no better than the Amazon rainforest. And yet, as entanglement shows us and as the tolling bell reminds us, all is One.

Flipping the “He Gets Us” Script

Column by Rev. Jim Burklo on February, 23 2023

The people behind HeGetsUs don’t get him.  But that doesn’t prevent us from using their campaign to help folks get who Jesus really was – and making his compassionate personality the welcoming face of our progressive faith communities. 

Rising Above the Darkness of These Times

Column by Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Frantz on February, 9 2023

I don’t know about you, but in recent times, I can hardly bear to watch the news.  It’s simply too depressing.  Gun violence continues to spin out of control with scant hope of any sensible resolution in sight.