It’s Time for Christianity to Ditch Diet Culture

Column by Rev. Fran Pratt on October, 13 2022

I no longer practice in the field of nutrition. The farther I went with it, the more deeply I realized that the field is rife with Diet Culture and toxic beauty standards, as well as ableism and health-shaming.

Progressive Christians and Palestine

Column by Rev. Dr. Robin Meyers on June, 10 2021

Over three weeks before the first rocket was fired from Gaza, and war erupted yet again between Israel and Palestine, something happened that was hardly mentioned in the press, but explains so much of the terror and humiliation that Palestinians face every day from Israel.

Column by Rev. Dr. Mark Sandlin on February, 8 2018

Language is more important than many of us realize. More precisely, the specific words we choose to use impact our way of thinking, our social behavior, and many other perspectives of our lives. It’s actually a fairly recent development in the human brain in terms of our long history as a species. The frontal lobes of our brains have actually expanded to handle its expanded work requirements.