In-Tensions: The fraught work of world peace

Column by Rev. Gretta Vosper on November, 30 2023

Ever since the first mind countenanced an unknown source of benevolence, religion has held us together as powerfully as it has driven us apart.

No Wonder People Hate Religion

Column by Rev. Dr. Robin Meyers on October, 5 2023

I have spent my life working on the inside of organized religion, even though my love/hate relationship with most God-talkers makes me an outsider.

Jesus in Eden

Column by Rev. Jim Burklo on September, 7 2023

The Bible is a mirror.  In it, we see the structure of our psyches.  We see the scaffolding of our spirituality.  What makes the Bible holy is not that it is the “word of God”, but rather that so many of its passages offer such breathtakingly vivid reflections of the journeys of our souls.

The Real End Times – From Doom to Faith

Column by Rev. Michael Dowd on July, 13 2023

Here we are, immersed in a swirl of biospheric breakdown and societal strife that isn’t going away; in fact, it’s getting worse. The darkness and distress cannot be passed off as the wrath of an angry God. Rather, we ourselves are at cause, and these are the real end times.

Blood and Bananas

Column by Dr. Carl Krieg on May, 11 2023

We live in a world defined by the cheapness of human life, indeed, all life. Migrants and refugees are treated no better than the Amazon rainforest. And yet, as entanglement shows us and as the tolling bell reminds us, all is One.

A Different Kind of Optimism

Column by Rev. Lauren Van Ham on June, 30 2022

Recently, I was in consultation with a colleague who is First Nation Cree. Throughout the conversation, there was a steady stream of confidence, curiosity, and hope.  Really smiling at one point, my colleague said, “I’m an eternal optimist who comes from a history of despair.”

Be Opened: A Post-Easter Reflection

Column by Rev. Matthew Syrdal on May, 5 2022

I walked out of our church in ritual silence with the procession at twilight and was met—stunned—by the radiant face of the nearly full moon. I started to weep. Especially tired this particular Maundy Thursday, I was hit by the welling up of unprocessed emotion from a particularly hard year.

“Confronting Politicus Distractus”

Column by Rev. David M. Felten on September, 24 2020

Recently, a half-dozen young people in our small town organized a peaceful Black Lives Matter demonstration. The march was seen by some as an intrusion of threatening other-worldly politics into our predominantly (99.8%) white town and riled up a lot of emotional responses on social media.

Holding Space for Spiritual Transformation 

Column by Skylar Wilson on February, 6 2020

“New personality types are created during social and spiritual crises of religious, political, or economic origin.” ~Otto Rank

One hundred years ago, as the world was shaking …

A Call to Spirituality and Religious participation.

Column by Rev. Roger Wolsey on May, 31 2018

A growing number of people who identify as progressive Christians also identify as being post-Christian, and/or post-Church, or even post-God. While this is of course perfectly okay and welcome, I experience this as less than ideal or optimal. To my mind following the way, teaching, and example of Jesus cannot truly, or at least not easily, be done without also having, nurturing, and tending to an active personal spiritual life communing with God (being present to Source/Presence) as well as an active communal/collective shared spiritual community. While some people may say that forums such as this newsletter and other online resources “meet that need” in their lives, words on a page pale in comparison to actually engaging in centering prayer, meditation, communion, shared singing, potluck suppers, organized community service, and experiencing big loving hugs from gifted kindred spirits.