Chautauqua Institution – 2014

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on August, 14 2014

It has many elements of a fantasy land. Once one enters the guarded gates, the world seems to fall away quickly. A person living in this community does not …

On Being Honored by the Jesus Seminar

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on April, 12 2012

In the early spring of this year the Jesus Seminar paid me a special tribute at its meeting held in Salem, Oregon.  First, I was invited to give two …

Studying Christian Art in Florence Italy

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on November, 17 2011

The Florence Museum, known in Italy as the Musei Firenze, is best known for the massive marble statue of the youthful King David sculpted by Michelangelo.  Housed in the …

The Lecture Tour of Germany, Part III: Marburg

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on August, 11 2011

Our task and the agenda for the third day of our lecture tour of Germany was to go to the city of Marburg where the University of Marburg is …

The Lecture Tour of Germany, Part I: Background and Content

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on July, 14 2011

Earlier this summer as part of a European lecture tour, Christine and I went to Germany for three public lectures in three cities and two press interviews.  The invitation …
