“Think Different–Accept Uncertainty” Part XIX: The Dawning of Resurrection

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on October, 18 2012

Behind the narratives of Easter contained in the gospel tradition was an experience that was undeniable, powerful and true to the followers of Jesus.  That experience exploded upon them …

“Think Different – Accept Uncertainty” Part II

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on January, 26 2012

A recent letter from an Anglican priest in Canada revealed what this priest believes to be the dire straits into which Christianity has fallen in that gentle land to our north. 

My Second Great Mentor: David Watt Yates (1904-1967)

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on January, 12 2012

His name was David Watt Yates.  As an Episcopal priest he fought for the integration of the races in North Carolina in the 1940’s!  He was a conscientious objector …

A Walk Down Memory Lane in England with My Wife

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on December, 8 2011

It was a nostalgic trip down memory lane for my wife Christine.  It turned out to be a moment of insight into life itself.  For that reason alone I …

The Lecture Tour of Germany, Part III: Marburg

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on August, 11 2011

Our task and the agenda for the third day of our lecture tour of Germany was to go to the city of Marburg where the University of Marburg is …

Examining the Meaning of Resurrection, Part VI: Seeing Through a Glass Darkly

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on July, 7 2011

Something happened at the first Easter.  Some insist that it was an event that occurred on a single day.  Others suggest that an experience was identified with that day …
