In Praise of Thanks

Column by Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox on November, 24 2022

Thanksgiving 2022.  There is much to be grateful for; and much to be concerned about. 

Saving God From Religion

Column by Rev. Dr. Robin Meyers on February, 25 2021

Let’s be clear, this is an audacious idea.  Writing a book about God is an audacious project.  In fact, claiming to know anything about God is more than audacious—it is intellectual blasphemy.  So, to begin, let me be clear.  I have no idea what I am talking about.  

What is Patriarchy, anyway?

Column by Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox on February, 11 2021

There is – and ought to be – plenty of criticism of Patriarchy at this time in history.  But for that very reason there needs to be a critical understanding of what it is – and is not.

To Be and Not To Be:   Wrestling with the Christian “I Am” and the Buddhist “I Am Not”

Column by Joran Slane Oppelt on February, 20 2020

Modern scientists have discovered what the mystics have known to be true for centuries. Reality is an illusion. Atoms are primarily made of vast regions of empty space, objects are fundamentally non-objects but rather waves and shadow, and there is a continuous energetic exchange happening between you and those around you at all times.

Trinity Schminity

Column by Rev. Dr. Mark Sandlin on May, 25 2017

From “extreme monotheism” to “homoousion” to “partialism” to “modalism,” Christianity has a wide and wild variety of understandings of the theory of the Trinity. Frankly, that reality should not be too surprising. After all, the Trinity is in fact a theory and it is a theory that one must be fairly creative with to fit into all the necessary theological perquisites it comes burdened with. That is not to say it is too convoluted to have meaning, but I certainly don’t bestow upon it the meaning that most mainline theologies would like for it to hold.

Resurrection – A Reality or a Pious Dream? Part III The Witness of Paul, Continued

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on May, 7 2015

After Easter we opened a new unit of columns designed to study exactly what the Bible says about Jesus’ resurrection. We noted that while resurrection is assumed in every …

The Birth of Jesus, Part III. The Testimony of Mark, the Earliest Gospel

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on November, 29 2012

The first gospel to be written, the one we call Mark, was composed in the early years of the 8th decade (70-72). It contains no story of and no …

Harrisena Community Church in Lake George New York: A Story Worth Telling

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on December, 15 2011

This church was built in 1866 by John J. Harris to be used as an Episcopal summer chapel serving vacationers in the Lake George, New York area.  In 1869 it was …