A Wedding that Changed a Community

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on September, 10 2015

The couple stood holding hands before the altar where they would soon take their vows to “love, honor and cherish” each other forever. The congregation was in place ready …

The Graduation Season 2015

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on May, 28 2015

It is the graduation season. On university and college campuses around the world people gather in a highly-ritualized pageant to mark a point of transition in many areas of …

Virginia Politics and the Trial of Governor Robert McDonnell

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on August, 28 2014

On Monday, August 14, 2014, beginning at 9:30 a.m., my wife Christine and I were seated in the Federal District Courtroom in Richmond, Virginia, preparing to listen to the testimony in …

America’s Health Care Debate and What it Reveals

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on December, 5 2013

Every nation I visited on my recent European lecture tour has a National Health System, paid for by tax dollars and run for all the people by the government …

A Meditation on the State of America on its 237th Birthday

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on July, 11 2013

The United States celebrated its 237th birthday this past week. It seems, therefore, a fitting time for some moments of national reflection. In today’s column I seek to …


Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on July, 4 2013

I was surprised at how elated I felt on June 26 when the Supreme Court handed down its two historic decisions affecting gay and lesbian people. The first decision mandated …
