The Aquinas Nobody (or Hardly Anybody) Knows

Column by Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox on April, 18 2024

It has been my privilege to absorb the teachings of Aquinas in my training as a Dominican and in particular with two notable scholars, Father Athanasius Weisheipl, OP (who went from the Dominican House of Studies in River Forest, Illinois to the Institute of Medieval Studies in Toronto) and the esteemed Aquinas scholar, theologian and historian, Father M. D. Chenu, OP. 

Covid-19 and Climate Change: Why Are We Here and Where are we Headed?

Column by Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox on June, 4 2020

One of the “ultimate questions” humans like to pose is this:  Why are we here?  

This might seem to be a particularly appropriate question to ask in a time of the coronavirus plague when so much is becoming uprooted, when so many are afraid and suffering and dying. 

Progressive Christianity, Earth Survival and the Wisdom of Thomas Aquinas

Column by Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox on January, 30 2020

Many people, if they hear the name Thomas Aquinas at all, may not feel that he has anything to say to today’s “progressive” religious and post-religious movement.  They would be wrong; dead wrong.

Earth Day 2017: The Return of Healthy Religion?

Column by Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox on May, 4 2017

There is such a thing as “fake news”; and “fake science;” and there is also, we must make clear, such a thing as “fake religion” and certainly of “fake Christianity.” I would maintain that all those persons and institutions political and corporate that are in purposeful denial about climate change are in direct contradiction to everything Jesus taught and tried to teach.

Part XXXI Matthew – Peter: A Symbol – The Wobbling Rock at Caesarea Philippi

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on October, 9 2014

In this episode Jesus asks: “Can one read the signs correctly? Does a clear sunset today anticipate fair weather tomorrow? Do dark clouds announce the presence of a storm? …