France, November 2015, the Struggle to be Human

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on November, 19 2015

The plan appears to have been carried out by a group of eight people, three of whom were brothers. The attack seems to have been developed in Belgium in …

Is the Jesus Story a Myth? Did a Man Named Jesus Ever Live?

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on March, 13 2014

Recently in my parish church, St. Peter’s in Morristown, New Jersey, I completed a seven week-lecture series on Matthew’s version of Jesus’ birth. In those lectures I pointed to …

“Think Different – Accept Uncertainty” Part II

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on January, 26 2012

A recent letter from an Anglican priest in Canada revealed what this priest believes to be the dire straits into which Christianity has fallen in that gentle land to our north. 

The Monolithic Conservatism of the American Heartland Is Not So Monolithic!

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on January, 5 2012

There are times when one’s perceptions are challenged and one’s stereotypical prejudices are shattered.  This happened to me in recent days when I fulfilled invitations to speak …

The Super Committee Fails – Disgust is Rampant!

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on November, 24 2011

There was a sense of disgust, followed by feelings of despair when the super committee formed to deal with the budget deficit failed to accomplish anything.  This committee had …

Our Political Debate – A National Embarrassment

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on July, 21 2011

Either those who now run the legislative wing of our government are irresponsible and frivolous with this nation’s health and well being or there is something I do not …
