Part XXXIX Matthew – The Apocalypse and the End of the World

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on February, 5 2015

In Matthew’s narrative, the Jewish year came to an end with the month of Adar. The Passover would be the first celebration of the New Year which began …

Part XXXVII Matthew – The Impact of Deuteronomy on the Journey of Jesus to Jerusalem

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on January, 15 2015

When the Transfiguration experience was over, Matthew tells us that Jesus and his disciples came down from that mountain. It had been a transformative experience for the disciples, Matthew …

Part XXVI Matthew: Sukkoth – The Harvest Festival

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on September, 4 2014

Labor Day is over. Little children, carrying new book satchels and wearing new clothes, have found their way back to their schools. University students have returned to their campuses …

Part XIV Matthew – The Sermon on the Mount: Sinai Revisited

Column by Bishop John Shelby Spong on February, 20 2014

Matthew is portraying Jesus as the New Moses who went to the top of a new mountain to deliver a new interpretation of the Torah. He is not a …
